AWS の上級レベルのアーキテクト、上級レベルのシステム分析及び設計能力の養成
a) トレーニングを通じて認定試験に合格し、個人の実務能力の向上を希望する方
c) AWS関連の仕事をされる方
d) トレーニングを通じて、AWS関連の実務経験を重ねて、関連する認定試験に合格し、人材競争力強化を希望する方
AWS SAA試験に合格し、或はかなりの能力と実務経験を持っている
a)組織構造及びアカウントの管理AWS Accounts and Organizations including Service Control Policies (SCPs)
b)基礎サービス知識の拡大Compute, Auto Scaling, and Load Balancing including ALB, NLB, EC2, and NAT
c)DNS, Caching, and Performance Optimization including Route 53, CloudFront, and AWS Global Accelerator
d)アイデンティティ管理Identity Management and Permissions including RBAC, ABAC and permissions boundaries
e) ディレクトリサービスと共同認証AWS Directory Services and Federation including Identity Federation, AWS SSO, and Cognito
f) Advanced Amazon VPC including a routing deep dive and multi-account VPC configurations
g) Hybrid Connectivity including S2S VPN, Direct Connect, and AWS Transit Gateway
h) AWS Storage Services including EBS, EFS, and Amazon S3
i) AWS Database Services including Amazon RDS, Aurora, ElastiCache and DynamoDB
j) サービスアプリケーションなしServerless Applications including AWS Lambda, EventBridge, SQS, SNS, and API Gateway
k) コンテナ技術Docker Containers and PaaS including Amazon ECS, Fargate, and Elastic Beanstalk
l)開発及び展開管理プロセスDeployment and Management including AWS CodeCommit, CodePipeline, Service Catalog, Systems Manager and more
m) 業務移行Migration and Transfer Service including AWS DMS, SMS, DataSync, and Snowball
n)データフロー分析Analytics Services including Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, RedShift, EMR, and Kinesis
o)監視・ログ収集Monitoring, Logging and Auditing including CloudWatch, CloudTrail and AWS X-Ray
p)セキュリティ:Security: Defense in Depth including how to build a secure application with ACM, KMS, Config, Inspector and WAF/Shield
q)コスト分析とコスト・コントロールCost Management including how AWS services are priced, consolidated billing, and AWS Budgets
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